Kaitxo Specialty Chocolate Ecuador 100% 厄瓜多爾單一品種純黑朱古力

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(Best before date: 30 April 2024) 備受朱古力專家推崇厄瓜多爾原生品種 Arriba Nacional 可可 單一品種單一材料手工製作 100% Bean to Bar 精品純黑朱古力 70克 風味:橙、紫羅蘭、佛手柑 Eucador's pride Arriba Nacional cacao beans Single-origined100% Bean to Bar Dark Chocolate 70g Tasting Note: ORANGE, VIOLET, BERGAMOT 無糖、零添加、純素、生酮, Sugar-free, Zero additives, Vegan, Keto 糖尿病人適食 Diabetic-friendly

Product Details

厄瓜多爾 Bean To Bar 100% 純黑精品朱古力 70克

Kaitxo Specialty Chocolate Ecuador 100% 70g

採用備受朱古力專家推崇厄瓜多爾原生品種 Arriba Nacional 可可


成份:Arriba Nacional 可可豆

Eucador's pride Arriba Nacional cacao beans 
Single-origined100% Bean to Bar Dark Chocolate 70g

Ingredients:Cacao Beans


我們 (Kaitxo) 的 100% 巧克力,適合所有純無糖巧克力愛好者。揭開黑巧克力苦味神秘面紗的理想巧克力。在味道的細微差別中,橙花和紫羅蘭脫穎而出。

Bean to Bar就像精品咖啡之於咖啡,或精釀啤酒之於啤酒;咖啡和啤酒的釀造已有數百年歷史,但直到最近才被製作得精良。這項技術旨在將巧克力從大型工業中剔除,從而能夠發現來自不同國家、地區或農場的可可之間的差異;除了認可從種植到壓片的出色工作外,因為整個鏈條對於獲得高品質可可和巧克力非常重要。

該系列採用非常特殊的可可製成,具有卓越的感官特徵。它們的批次和數量非常有限,很難獲得。由於供應有限,我們無法將這些巧克力作為固定產品添加到我們的永久收藏中。並非所有可可都值得 100% 製作,但這次可可具有如此多的特性,我們確信會生產出美味的巧克力。我們確信它會讓您感到驚訝,它是多麼微妙,您可以發現無限細微的味道:橙花或紫羅蘭脫穎而出。

Our (Kaitxo) 100% chocolate, for all those lovers of pure, sugar-free chocolate. The ideal Chocolate to demystify that dark chocolate is bitter. Among the flavor nuances, orange blossom and violets stand out.

The Bean to Bar is what specialty coffee is for coffee, or craft beers are for beer; Coffee and beer have been made for centuries, but they have only recently been made well. This technique seeks to remove chocolate from large industries, and thus be able to discover the differences between cocoas from different countries, regions or farms; In addition to recognizing the job well done from cultivation to the tablet since the entire chain is important to obtain high quality cocoa and then chocolate.

This collection is created with very particular cocoas, which have exceptional organoleptic characteristics. They are very limited batches and lots, difficult to obtain. Due to this limited availability, we cannot add these chocolates as a fixture to our permanent collection. Not all cocoas are worth making 100% but on this occasion the cocoa has so many characteristics that we were sure that a great chocolate would come out. We are sure that it will surprise you, how subtle it is, and the infinite nuances of flavor that you can find: orange blossom or violets stand out.

無糖、零添加、純素、生酮, Sugar-free, Zero additives, Vegan, Keto
糖尿病人適食 Diabetic-friendly 

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黃烷醇 (Flavanols) : 抗氧化成份,促進血液流向大腦及心臟、預防血栓形成、減少細胞損壞及發炎。提升細胞對胰島素的敏感度,令餐後血糖更佳。

色氨酸及血清素 (Tryptophan and Serotonin) : 令人感覺放鬆和幸福。

可可鹼 (Theobromine) : 有助血管舒張,增加血流量。

花生四烯乙醇胺 (Anandamide) :  有「幸福分子」之稱,刺激大腦中的愉悅受體,並提升動力。

苯乙胺 (Phenylethylamine) :  有「愛情賀爾蒙」之稱,刺激大腦釋放多巴胺,產生愉悅感受。

黃嘌呤 (Xanthine): 增加大腦的同類天然興奮物質,有提神效果,緩減哮喘及氣管症狀。


https://www.cgmh.org.tw/cgmn/category.asp?id_seq=1604162 (台灣長庚醫院)

https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/cocoa-sweet-treat-brain-201502057676 (哈佛大學)

https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/food-features/dark-chocolate/ (哈佛大學)

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